Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How Can Small Businesses Use QR Codes?

How much information can you get out of the image above? Well, no we are not kidding, there actually is information stored in the image above. Its called the QR code. While not yet mainstream, QR codes are getting in the thick of things as they are being published in mainstream publications and other places where people can have access to it.

What is a QR code?
This WikiPedia article best describes what a QR code exactly is. "A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) that is readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera telephones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, URL, or other data." source - Wikipedia

How can you create your own QR Code?
Simply go to the following URL and type in the URL you want to encode, as shown in the screen capture below:

Once you press "Create QR Code", you get the result which we have shown on the top.

How can small businesses use QR codes?
  • Quickly share business cards
Including a QR code on your business card is a good move. Here you are allowing someone who intends to know more about you to directly scan the QR code and reach to the online destination/ piece of information online about you.
  • Increase event registrations
If you are doing an event of which you have posted across the Internet and you are reaching out to more people through offline modes of advertising, you might as well include the QR code to a mobile version of your website, which has a registration form, which users can fill and you have your business objective achieved.
  • Convert offline traffic into online viewers
Obviously if you use a QR code to re-direct your customer simply to a website of your company/ product it might not really serve the purpose, but if you have a smart "mobile version" of your site available, you can very smartly make your offline target audience to engage with your services/ products online. This can be leveraged by many businesses like retail etc.

How do I read QR Codes?
Obviously to the normal naked human eye, this is not a greatly inviting image, though there are free QR code readers/ scanners which you can download on your android phones/ smart devices which help you read the information. One of the strongest being an offering from Google called, Google Goggles, which helps you decipher QR codes. You can download Google Googles here.

Team IndiaMART Knowledge Services is committed to create new opportunities or SMEs to grow. To know more about how you can leverage the internet and new media technologies, drop in a comment to this post and our team of experts will be happy to help!


  1. QR Codes have come up pretty well

  2. WOW - just wow. Your concept boards made such a huge difference in these rooms - the people who bought the home should have used your boards as a design map to decorate the home when they moved in!use naked URL

  3. You're right Yemmie. With consistent effort social media can be a viable tool to business growth. I'm still learning the ropes myself, but I'll get there.use naked url
