Thursday, March 10, 2011

Learn the New Web Language for Free: PHP

The web has changed almost every aspect of how businesses are conducted and operations and carried on. While there are social networks building up on one end, which are enabling Small and Medium Enterprises to engage their target audience in a powerful conversation, there are others which are providing free and powerful content management systems for SMEs to build free websites upon and publish content online.

Build your business website almost for free: know PHP!
To conduct successful business, you must know the language of business as they say. To operate in the online world smartly the one language (out of the many existing) you must know or at least try to know if PHP.

But why should I learn PHP?
 Well, if we told you that facebook is an online platform which is all PHP in the backend? Will that be a reason enough? :)

Yes, some of the most successful free online tools today are coded using PHP. facebook, wordpress being two of the top most.

I am not a techie, what should I do?
While you don't really need to be a chef to cook a meal. You don't really need all the experience of the greatest of the coding languages to understand PHP. In its simplest avatar, PHP is an extension of the basic HTML (hyper text markup language) which essentially has been one of the most widely spread languages online, since times of the web.

Free e-books and online tutorials for learning PHP!
There are many free online resources which can help you master PHP and possibly inspire you to build your own web properties!

  • Zend PHP 01
One of the most popular tutorials for PHP online is the Zend Engine back-end for PHP. This tutorial is most effective for the basic beginners who are beginning to learn the language. PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner is one of the most favorited tutorial on PHP.
  • Practical PHP programming
In the series of the top free e-books available for learning PHP for beginners, Practical PHP is one of the best picks. Anyone who has a certain interest in the web and is comfortable with at least a coding language before (though not necessary) can make good use of this free e-book to learn PHP. This book is easy to follow, though a previous background of coding will surely help.
  • PHP manual
What better than the most trusted resource from the publisher itself on the web? The official PHP site gives access to the PHP manual, which essentially is a doubt clearing handbook for PHP learners. It gives answers to almost every question you may have as a beginner on PHP.
  • Learning by doing
One of the best ways to learn even after all the above mentioned resources is learning by doing. What we suggest is: use the powerful blogging platform 'wordpress' and try and play around with its content management system (which it essentially is at the back-end). You must try and use its various features. Especially once you have uploaded a theme to your blog, try editing the various theme files it has. You may commit errors which can crash the theme to the theme rendered useless after some editing. Such learning will obviously enable you to learn better and really trouble shoot the issues you face with PHP.

What will it help you achieve as a business?
The core team of any SME generally consists of people who are entrepreneurs. Learning something from everything and handling situations is one of their core traits. Many starting up entrepreneurs who work on limited funds, learning PHP for them can prove to be highly beneficial, as they can leverage the power of the language to build web sites while keeping their budgets under control.

There are many such online opportunities, which are benefiting the Small and Medium Enterprise segment. To know more, get in touch with the experts at IndiaMART Knowledge Services. Do drop in a comment to this post to let us know what else would you want us to share about!

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