Saturday, February 12, 2011

Worried About Your Critical Data? Let the Cloud Help You!

We are all living in the Digital Age, where everything has moved online. There is terabytes of data being generated and being shared over wires, there are key signals roaming all around.

We are living in the knowledge economy where every business is governed by data. Data drives key business strategies and decisions. Business intelligence as a unit is driven purely due to the presence of key data points. It provide the business decision makers with important pointers to drive strategic growth.

Data is critical to me, but it also puts a pressure on increasing storage hardware, any solutions?
The IndiaMART Knowledge Services team has been asked this question many a times before by our knowledge driven SMEs. They are keen to know as to how they can improve data security, while still managing it dynamically and yet keeping the costs low.


Lets understand Digital Data loss
Digital data loss can be damaging at all levels. Lets take a simple example, when your laptop hard-drive gets corrupted/ irreparable, what's your first reaction? You are surely concerned about all the data that was there in it. You do go to extents to use technology to "try and recover" that critical data.

Now at an individual level, this may be a very small example and the data loss may not amount to business damage. But translate the same for businesses and well, you have data damage, costing the business and at times it may have pronounced damaging effects on the business.

Losing customer data for an insurance company may simply mean doom.

So how to ensure my data is safe and yet I can manage costs?
If a small business does not take adequate data security measures, there are many things that can potentially go kaput. Eventually a simple computer virus or trojan will certainly infect unprotected computer systems that are connected to the Internet, causing damage or data loss.

For such a situation, better preparedness with an antivirus / spyware solution and firewall is needed for every business computer to reduce risk.

I have large USB/ Hard Drive back-ups every week
We have heard this answer generally from many SMEs and well, we strongly don't agree. Yes backing-up your data on external hard drives is an option, but not a possible solution to your problems. Hard drives are cheap options and yes there are some large and well trusted brands which produce them, but they are not really damage proof. You may lock them against theft, protect them from physical damage, but hard drives may crash, resulting in loss of critical data for you.

Also, hard drives cost a business, depending upon their storage capacity and their technological advancement. How fast can you retrieve data out of them is one such example.

So is there some trusted solution, which does not burns a hole in my pocket?
Sure there is, we suggest the cloud for SME's. There are many options of data storage on the cloud. Small businesses can actually choose to use such technology to their advantage while keeping the cost of data security and management fairly low. Large global companies who manage such applications on the cloud invest into ensuring that your data is well secure and accessible, as per your needs. All this is available to you at far lesser a cost as compared to actual hardware that you invest into.

For more on how you can manage your data on the cloud, drop in a comment to this post and our experts at IndiaMART Knowledge Services will touch base with you.

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