Friday, February 4, 2011

How Coupons Can Increase Employee Loyalty for Your SME

IndiaMart Knowledge Services has always believed in helping Small and Medium Enterprises in India to leverage the best of the knowledge across the globe. This blog is our initiative to ensure that we bring to SME's the best knowledge, happenings and opportunities from across the globe! If you feel like asking a question/ query or sharing a viewpoint, please feel free to drop in a comment and our team of experts will get in touch!

Employee Loyalty is Crucial
Ask any emerging company and all will have the similar view w.r.t employee loyalty. Many HR personnel, entrepreneurs, businessmen have responded back to our surveys in which they have expressed the drawbacks which exist in their process of charting employee loyalty programs. Many say, team building exercises is what they rely upon. Others had their own versions of team gatherings, parties etc.

We went back to the market to actually understand the issue and look at innovative solutions for SME's which are cost effective and lasting!!

And wallah we found something interesting: Coupons!! YES!
YES! you heard it right! Coupons are the way to go. In the recent times there have been many new ventures which have been started by enterprising people globally which offer discount coupons.

And while we went ahead with our search, what caught our eye was how companies are using exclusive deals and discounts to motivate employees and chart new performance frontiers. For SMEs, this becomes a low cost and yet highly effective solution to motivate its employees.

Okay, I got it, but how does it work?
Its simple actually! You tie up with one of these exclusive coupon keepers and further tell your employees that you will incentivize their work with money with which they can shop for their favorite products online at exclusive discounts only available to them.

The coupon company will further integrate their backend technology system with your and create a micro-site which your employees can access over your intranet or otherwise. This micro-site will have all the products available to the employees on exclusive discounts, many of them which are actually not available in the market directly.

And to register/ tie-up with such a deals company, you don't have to shell out any money.

Are there companies doing it? How is the employee response?
There are many companies catching onto the concept, both large and small. The employees have actually shown good response towards the idea. What is also crucial for the employees is the fact that they save on time while shopping for their favorite products at exclusive discounted prices!

We wish more discounts and loyalty for your employees!!

Post by: IndiaMart Knowledge Services. To know more about such services, please drop in a comment to the post and our experts team will get back to you!

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