Friday, January 7, 2011

Blog Your Brand – A Vision for the SME to Leverage Networked Blogging

Walk the Walk… Talk the Talk… Times have now arrived for the corporate to consider Blogging the Blog!!
Yes, its true, as social media is arriving and knocking on the doors of enterprises, all businesses whether large or small are taking note, there are new rules getting created. New possibilities opening up. The Corporate today wants to get one with the consumer, interact with his relevant target audience wherever the consumer is!

Your consumers are already on the Internet
With the usage of Internet spilling over to almost all parts of the country, the corporate has a valid and an entirely new and ever increasing scope to interact in real time with its consumers, take feedback and hence constantly evolve as a ‘People’s Brand‘.

Your clients are already talking about you, are you listening?
We are living in change, which essentially is the only contant thing in life. And so is a brand.  A brand needs to evolve with the times, reaching out to the relevant set of people who are talking about you or would want to talk about you!

Blog and Get Blogged about

The emerging SMEs must engage their audience and we suggest our SME partners that they schedule time and participate in corporate blogging. The top management of the SME can achieve fantastic results, while ensuring that they create and establish a personal connect with their target audience/ existing clients by sharing thought leadership and communicating the vision and growth of the company on the Official Corporate Blog.

Should you tie up with an external agency – Case Study?

Nokia before launching N97 in India and Samsung while launching the Jet. What did they do? Call a select group of bloggers and wallah they have arrived at a much lesser cost as compared to doing a TV ad or big hoarding out there, which they will do for sure, but they have captured one strata of the market.

The trends purely show, that there is a BIG opportunity which the SMEs can leverage powerfully to connect with and engage their customers in.

How Do I get Started? Do I need time/ money?
Getting your blog up and running in times today is a 5 minute job. Though to create an Official Corporate Blog, which is positioned and branded right, you can always get the job done by a freelancer/ agency. The leading platforms we suggest are: Blogspot and Wordpress.

To make the blog exist, you may not need much investment, but to ensure that there is solid and powerful content each day on it, sure is a task, which has to be not drilled down, but built and fostered as a culture within the organisation.

Say ‘hi’ to your sutomer each day, reach out and extend your hand! Get connected and retain your loyal customers!!
A focused Corporate blog will EMPOWER your customer to know more and get connected with the brand, thereby fueling Co-Creation and Innovation, enabling mutual growth.

To know more about how you can leverage the power of blogging for your emerging company, send us a comment to this blog and our team of experts will be happy to help you!

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